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Meta de Leur: The Haze has Vanished

Info / context to the poem

Meta de Leur wrote these lines on January 29, 1945 for her camp companion Alem van Staveren-Vet. She wrote in a book whose cover consisted of flowered cloth scraps, secretly made by Aat Breur in the concentration camp bookbindery. Each of Aat's friends received a different motif - one flowered, the other striped.(...)

These little books have remained, with names, addresses, verses, songs, poems. Also with cooking recipes, written down in pencil and tiny handwriting - recipes for the most delicious dishes. An absurd, bizarre sight for someone who has never known hunger. The handwriting often suggests that the scribe was more familiar with hard work than writing poetry. And yet most of it has been lost or destroyed. That it could be created at all is a miracle; if it has been preserved, an even greater one. (Dunya Breur: Ich lebe, weil du dich erinnerst. Frauen und Kinder in Ravensbrück, Berlin 1997)

Author - biography

Meta de Leur came from The Hague and was arrested for resistance work in the group around the illegal newspaper "De Vonk". She was deported to Ravensbrück together with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. There she had to work, among other things, in a "horticultural commando". Meta de Leur survived the concentration camp. Together with four other Dutch women, she represented the Dutch former prisoners at the Ravensbrück trial in Hamburg in 1946. In the camp, she wrote poetry. There is a preserved pencil drawing by Aat Breur that portrays her.

Text in original language

Meta de Leur: De nevel is verdwenen

De nevel is verdwenen
De dag breekt spoedig aan
Dat al je schone wensen
Nu ter vervulling gaan!

Het was niet licht te dragen
Het leed van Ravensbrück
Veel liggen er begraven
De anderen zijn ziek.

Wij zullen ze niet vergeten
Zij die zijn heengegaan
Hun namen zijn als balsem
In ons verdere bestaan.

Wij hebben je doorgeworsteld
Jij pest van Ravensbrück
Jij met je vurige klauwen
Hebt velen de vlammen in gestuurd.

O, eens te zijn een mens weer
Zelfstandig en oprecht
Geen nummer meer of ‚Häftling‘
Maar ‘n mens met eigen wil!

Ravensbrück, 29.1.45

Source: Dunya Breur, Een verborgen herinnering. Tekeningen van Aat Breur-Hibma uit het vrouwenconcentratiekamp Ravensbrück en de gavangenis in Utrecht 1942-1945. Amsterdam 1983, S. 172.

Images and documents

Lake Schwedt

The Ravensbrück Memorial Site borders the northeastern shore of the lake. The ashes from the Ravensbrück concentration camp crematorium were poured into Lake Schwedt.