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Bienal de Venecia 2015

© Foto: Haupt y Binder, universes.art

56ª Exposición Internacional de Arte, La Biennale di Venezia

Tour: Exposición central

Sobre su proyecto Okwui Enwezor detalla:

Las rupturas que proliferan en cada esquina del paisaje global hoy día evocan los desvanecidos escombros de sucesivas catástrofes apilados a los pies del ángel de la historia, el Angelus Novus. ¿Cómo puede el desasosiego de nuestra época ser captado, hecho comprensible, examinado y articulado? En el transcurso de los últimos dos siglos los cambios radicales han hecho surgir nuevas y fascinantes ideas tratadas por artistas, cineastas, actores, compositores, músicos como temas de sus obras. En reconocimiento de ello, la 56a Exposición Internacional de Arte de la Bienal de Venecia, All the World's Futures [Todos los futuros del mundo] propone un proyecto dedicado a una nueva evaluación de las relaciones del arte y los artistas con el actual estado de las cosas.

The Exhibition: Parliament of Forms

Rather than one overarching theme, All the World's Futures is informed by a layer of intersecting Filters, these Filters are a constellation of parameters that circumscribe multiple ideas, which will be touched upon to both imagine and realize a diversity of practices. The 56th International Art Exhibition will employ as a Filterthe historical trajectory that the Biennale itself, over the course of its one hundred and twenty years existence has run over, a Filter through which to reflect on both the current "state of things" and the "appearance of things.

How can artists, thinkers, writers, composers, choreographers, singers, and musicians, through images, objects, words, movement, actions, lyrics, sound bring together publics in acts of looking, listening, responding, engaging, speaking in order to make sense of the current upheaval? What material, symbolic or aesthetic, political or social acts will be produced in this dialectical field of references to give shape to an exhibition which refuses confinement within the boundaries of conventional display models? In All the World's Futures the curator himself, along with artists, activists, the public, and contributors of all kinds will appear as the central protagonists in the open orchestration of the project.

At the core of the Exhibition is the notion of the exhibition as stage where historical and counter-historical projects will be explored. Within this framework the main aspects of the 56th Exhibition will solicit and privilege new proposals and works conceived specifically by invited artists, filmmakers, choreographers, performers, composers, and writers to work either individually or in collaboration.

There are three Filters that form All the World's Futures:

All the World's Futures is both a spatial and temporal manifestation that is relentlessly incomplete, structured by a logic of unfolding, a program of events that can be experienced at the intersection of liveness and display. It will be a dramatization of the space of the exhibition as a continuous, unfolding, and unceasing live event. In doing so All the World's Futures will activate works that are already existing but also invites contributions that will be realized especially for this Exhibition.

This Filter, located in the Giardini and the Central Pavilion, Corderie, Giardino delle Vergini in the Arsenale, and selected areas in Venice, takes the historical ground of la Biennale in the Giardini as a metaphor through which to explore the current "state of things The Biennale Arte 2015, returns to the ancient ground of this ideal to explore the changes in the global environment, to read the Giardini with its ramshackle assemblage of pavilions as the ultimate site of a disordered world, of national conflicts, as well as territorial and geopolitical disfigurations. The artists have been invited to develop proposals that take the concept of the garden as a point of departure to realized new sculptures, films, performances, and installations for All the World's Futures.

Beyond the distemper and disorder in the current "state of things," there is one pervasive preoccupation that has been at the heart of our time and modernity. Since the publication of Karl Marx's massive Capital: Critique of Political Economy in 1867, the structure and nature of capital has captivated thinkers and artists, as well as inspired political theorists, economists, and ideological structures across the world. A core part of this program of live readings, is "Das Kapital" a massive meticulously researched bibliographic project, conceived by the artistic director in the Central Pavilion.

With this outlook, All the World's Futures, through its constellation of Filters will delve into the "state of things" and question "the appearance of things", shifting from the guttural enunciation of the voice to the visual and physical manifestations between artworks and the public.

For more information, please see:
- Curatorial statement by Okwui Enwezor
- Addendum to the Statement

Presentaciones especiales de UiU:

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Jurado de la 56a Exposición Internacional de Arte:
Naomi Beckwith (EE.UU.), Sabine Breitwieser (Austria), Mario Codognato (Italia), Ranjit Hoskote (India), Yongwoo Lee (Corea del Sur).

Premios de la 56a Exposición Internacional de Arte:
Leones de Oro a Armenia, Adrian Piper, El Anatsui, Susanne Ghez. León de Plata a Im Heung-Soon. Menciones Especiales: Harun Farocki, Kollektiv Abounaddara, Massinissa Selmani, Pabellón de los EE.UU. - Joan Jonas.

León de Oro: El Anatsui
El Anatsui fue honrado con el León de Oro por su Trayectoria Artística. Vea algunas de sus obras presentadas en UiU desde 2004.

Organizador, contacto:
La Biennale di Venezia
Art and Architecture
Ca' Giustinian
San Marco 1364/A
30124 Venezia, Italia
Website | Email

Oficina de prensa Artes Visuales:
Tel.: +39 41 - 5218849 / 846 / 716

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