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The A.M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) is an independent, not-for-profit developmental organisation working in the fields of culture and education.

With the exhibition Subcontracted Nations, the Foundation inaugurates its new building in Ramallah to house its administrative and programmatic operations, and to serve as a multi-facetted cultural venue.

La Fundación A.M. Qattan (AMQF) es una organización de desarrollo, independiente y sin fines de lucro, que trabaja en el campo de la cultura y la educación.
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Acerca de la Fundación

La Fundación A.M. Qattan (AMQF) es una institución independiente, que opera en los campos del conocimiento y la creatividad, con un enfoque integrador, dirigido a diversos grupos sociales, en particular niños, profesores y jóvenes artistas. Busca fortalecer a individuos libres dentro de una cultura árabe y palestina dinámica, a través de un espíritu de desarrollo participativo y a largo plazo. Esto se logra a través de programas que fomentan el pensamiento crítico, la investigación, la creatividad y la producción de conocimiento, que tienen como objetivo proporcionar modelos inspiradores de generosidad, transparencia y excelencia.

Fundada y registrada en 1993 en el Reino Unido, con una sucursal en Palestina registrada como organización sin ánimo de lucro desde 1998, las acciones de la Fundación se desarrollan principalmente en Palestina, con intervenciones en Líbano a través de Selat: Links Through the Arts, y en el Reino Unido a través de The Mosaic Rooms.

Visión: Una sociedad justa, libre, ilustrada y tolerante, con una presencia global activa, que fomente el diálogo y produzca conocimiento, obras de arte y literatura.


Inspired by the shared heritage of humanity and in compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ vision that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”, the Foundation encourages individuals to combine their self-development with the service of others, while keeping a balance between personal and public interests, and focusing on the provision of inclusive and excellent standards of public service.

The Foundation believes in the individual's rights to freedom of thought and creed, as well as the right to free expression. These rights are key components of its internal culture and its work in the fields of culture and education, where engaging in dialogue and sharing practices are considered essential for the production of knowledge.

The Foundation is aware that the realisation of its mission and goals depends on the potential effectiveness, value and meaning of its work as perceived by its target constituencies. As such, it always aims to operate in a collegiate spirit of cooperation and partnership with its staff and the groups it serves, whether they are children, artists, teachers or other beneficiaries.

The Foundation realises that development, peace and long-term justice require the courage to be just in the defense of human causes.

Dirección - Contacto:
The A.M. Qattan Foundation
27 An-Nahda Women Association St.
Ramallah 90606
P.O. Box 2276, Ramallah, Palestine.
Tel: +970 2 296 0544

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Contacto de prensa:
Ahmad Shami
Senior Communication Manager
T: +970 2 296 0544 - Ext.: 1104

De informaciones de prensa. © Imágenes cortesía de Donaire Arquitectos y A.M. Qattan Foundation.

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