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4a Trienal Hangzhou de Arte de Fibra 2022

18 octubre - 4 diciembre 2022
Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, China

Tema: Ser - Teoría

Director de la exposición: Ying Jinfei
Director Artístico: Shi Hui
Curador en jefe: Liu Tian
Co-curadores: Liu Yihong, Ying Xinxun, Iris Long, Wang Hongzhe
Convocantes de la conferencia y el foro: Liu Tian, Xu Jia
Asistencia curatorial: Xi Tianhao, Duan Xin, Zheng Linyixin, Ren Yue
Director de proyecto: Huang Yan
Coordinación: Gu Wenjia, Wu Jiayu, Xu Xiaoxiao, Zhao Jin
Equipo curatorial, biografías

62 artistas y grupos

Proyecto especial "Pure Reason" en el Hangzhou Museum

Organizadores, contactos

Foto tour
una selección de obras con informaciones

缓存在 / Ser Teoría

Hay una "cosmotecnia" inherente a Mì/Sī (糸/纟), el radical de "seda" en la lengua china, como los arquetipos en las concepciones de "relación": clave (Xiànsuǒ / 线索), organización (Zǔzhī / 组织), red (Wǎngluò / 网络), sistema (Xìtǒng / 系统); el nombre general de los colores: rojo / 红, verde / 绿, púrpura / 紫, rojo / 绯, carmesí / 绛; y "Wén / 文(纹)", que significa, juntos en una palabra, texto, textura, cultura y civilización. Éstas provienen de la forma de la seda desde la época de la antigua China, y nos alertan de que la fibra / lo textil es la construcción básica del mundo, así como el fenómeno y la metáfora universal del pensamiento humano.

Inspirándose en la fibra/textil, el equipo curatorial de la 4ª Trienal de Arte de Fibra de Hangzhou propone el término "缓存在 (Huǎn Cún Zài)" para sugerir una redefinición y una reinterpretación del "arte": La forma en que el "arte" se produce y existe es una especie de "teoria-ser".

De ello se hace eco la traducción inglesa, "Being Theoria", que a su vez deriva de la "theoria" (contemplación) de Aristóteles de la época de la antigua Grecia. Poesis(techne)/praxis/theoria provienen de las "tres actividades" categorizadas por Aristóteles. "Ser Theoria" reacciona a la división entre el arte que enfatiza la producción (techne) y el arte que enfatiza la participación y la intervención (praxis) en la actualidad.

También hay una intertextualidad entre los títulos en chino y en inglés. "Huǎn Cún Zài / 缓存在" es una combinación de dos palabras: huǎncún / 缓存 (caché) y cúnzài / 存在 (ser). Huǎn / 缓(con el radical de seda) significa lento, moderado o pospuesto; pertenece al radical de Mì. Mientras que cúnzài / 存在es el equivalente al término filosófico "ser". Huǎn Cún Zài podría entenderse como "ser pospuesto" o "ser en caché", y huǎncún es la traducción de "caché" en jerga informática, pero podría significar literalmente "almacenar/existir lentamente", que es la situación de la vida cotidiana de la pandemia.

Desde el momento inicial, el equipo curatorial se ha definido como "tejedores", invitando a artistas y académicos a unirse y establecer conexiones, y formar una red de Tejedores Investigadores que respondan a un mundo de fibras reflexivo. La trienal no está segmentada, sino vinculada a través de varias "pistas", a saber, los caracteres con el radical de la seda: "Wén / 文" (texto / textura / cultura / civilización), "Xù / 绪" (emoción / pensamiento), "Xiàn / 线" (líneas / trayectoria), "Zhī / 织" (tejido / labor), "Wǎng / 网" (red/web), "Jié / 结" (atar nudos), y "Zōng / 综" (diversidad / complejidad). Estas pistas se entrelazan en el espacio y se presentan como una serie de "Espacios de Teoría" inmersivos para que los visitantes se detengan y reflexionen.

Statement curatorial

Lista de artistas

Proyecto especial "净因 | Pure Reason"

Del 30 de septiembre al 4 de diciembre de 2022 en el Museo de Hangzhou, como proyecto especial de la 4ª Trienal de Arte en Fibra de Hangzhou en 2022, "净因|Razón pura" invitó a 12 artistas/grupos de todo el mundo a crear obras en los espacios al aire libre y en los interiores no expositivos del museo en torno al pedestal de pagoda de piedra del "Templo de Jingyin" de las Cinco Dinastías, que forma parte de la colección del Museo de Hangzhou, socio del proyecto.

"净因 | Pure Reason" is a public project taking place in the museum, an urban project dedicated to Hangzhou, and an experimental project exploring the boundaries of the Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art. It seeks to extend the theme of the Triennial, "缓存在 / Being Theoria", by establishing the connection between the Buddhist doctrine "Jingyin" (literally means pure cause [hetu]) and Kant's "Pure Reason", and asking in a more focused way what "fiber" is an archetype of "thinking", especially the experience process from the concrete matters to the thought archetypal: "thin/fiber (纤 , xian)", the thin silk; "dimension (维 , wei)", the carriage cover; "thread (绪 , xu)", the end of the silk; "memoriam (缅 , mian)", micro silk; "deduct (绎 , yi)", draw silk... The exchange and translation of meanings from different cultural traditions not only reflects the tolerance and connotation of Hangzhou, the Asian Games City, but also shows the experimental spirit of this edition's HTFA to break through the traditional definition of fiber art.

Lista de artistas

Más informaciones

Hangzhou is situated in Zhejiang Province; it has a very deep historical and cultural heritage. The history of silk production in Hangzhou can be traced to the age of the Liangzhu Culture (circa. 3400 – 2250 BC). The surrounding West Lake Cultural Landscape is named on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the only Lake District in China to have been so honoured. In its history that goes back over 2,200 years, Hangzhou is not unlike a pearl on the Southeast Coast of China, with a natural shimmer as well as humanistic gloss. The ancient proverb says, ‘Suzhou and Hangzhou, Earthly Paradise’.

Historically Hangzhou has been an area with significant agricultural output. Marco Polo, after visiting the Yuan Dynasty Hangzhou, has proclaimed it to be "the most glamorous city in the world." In the long course of history, the ancient capital, surrounded on three sides by 'cloud-capped hills' and on the fourth by the city, has attracted many emperors and aristocrats as well as droves of men of letters, whose sojourns here have inspired a wealth of odes to the Jiangnan (i.e., the area south of the Yangtze River). While keeping watch on the ink and water landscape characteristic of the Jiangnan, it also composes a unique, human story.

The site of the current campus of China Academy of Art, by West Lake, was established in 1928. It was the first comprehensive national institution for higher education in art. China Academy of Art is a pioneer in contemporary Chinese art education and has a unique and distinctive position within art at a national and international level.

In China, research in contemporary fiber art started with the establishment of the Varbanov Tapestry Research Centre at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (the predecessor of China Academy of Art) in 1986 and in collaboration with Zhejiang Art Carpet Factory. In 1987 three tapestry works created by the Research Centre were selected for the Biennale Internationale de la Tapisserie in Lausanne, Switzerland and became international renowned. This saw the advent of a new era for research in Chinese contemporary fiber art. Influential exhibitions were then held in Shanghai in 1987, Hong Kong in 1988, and than in 1989 in USA and Japan.

China Academy of Art leads the way in the development of contemporary fiber art in China. It maintains this position by combining people, location and a high-end education. There is a number of very experienced faculty staff that is fully engaged in international activities, exchanges and events.

In addition, the Varbanov Tapestry Research Centre has been expanded into a Fiber and Space Art Studio, then transformed to Department of Fiber Art and Contemporary Fiber Art Research Institute of CAA, that is fully incorporated into the educational system of the academy. Fiber art education has been renewed with courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD levels.

Zhejiang Art Museum

Zhejiang Art Museum (ZAM), with a coverage of 35,000 square meters, is located on No.138 Nanshan Road, Hangzhou, against Wansongling and opposite to the West Lake. In the museum, there are 14 exhibition halls of different sizes, taking up 9,000 square meters, including 6 exhibition halls with constant temperature and humidity. Besides, the museum is equipped with multiple supporting facilities such as the Central Hall, Skylight Promenade, International Academic Reporting Hall, Multi-functional Hall, Hall for Assessment and Appreciation, Center for Art Books and Documentations, Children’s Fine Arts World, Arts Bookstore, Store of Arts Materials and Supplies, and Coffee Bar.

Since its opening in August 2009, the museum, on behalf of the nation, is dedicated to the exhibition, display, solicitation, and collection of art works and art literature, with which it aims to provide and present academic research, education promotion, international exchanges and public cultural services. ZAM is committed to collecting and exhibiting art works, cultural relics and documentations that reflect the development of arts in Zhejiang, especially those created by modern and contemporary artists who are either Zhejiang natives or engaged in significant artistic events in Zhejiang.

Hangzhou Museum

Hangzhou Museum is located in the West Lake Scenic Area, adjacent to Hefang Historical and Cultural District. Hangzhou Museum has a collection of archaeological and cultural relics, that inherits Hangzhou’s history and local memory.

In October 2001, Hangzhou History Museum was established and opened to the public. At the end of 2011, it was renamed as Hangzhou Museum. Hangzhou Museum covers an area of 13,000 square meters with exhibition area of 7,000 square meters, which constitutes of two Quartiers: the North and the South Quartier. The main exhibitions are: "Archaeological Relics in Hangzhou", "Historical Monument and Cultural Heritage in Hangzhou", "Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings Collection", "Furnishings and Supplies of Chinese Scholars", "Stamps Collection of Hangzhou Museum", and a General History of Hangzhou, "The Memorable of Hangzhou".

Organizadores, contacto:

Contemporary Fiber Art Institute of China Academy of Art
Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

Website | Email

China Academy of Art
No. 218 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Website | Facebook | Twitter
Ubicación en el mapa

Zhejiang Art Museum
No.138 Nanshan Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Ubicación en el mapa

De informaciones de prensa.
© Foto arriba: Ann Hamilton, lineament, 1994, Ruth Bloom Gallery, USA. Foto: Robert Wedemeyer.
© Fotos: Cortesía de Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art

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