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Cemeti Art House

Rumah Seni Cemeti
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41
Yogyakarta 55143
Di - Sa 9 - 17 Uhr
So, Mo geschlossen

Siehe auch:

Turning Targets – 25 Years of Cemeti
Program throughout the year 2013:
"Cemeti’s 25th anniversary marks a time of reflection that will pose important questions regarding the conditions of contemporary art in Indonesia, which at the present time is experiencing an ebb in the flow of discourse. At the same time, this is a turning point that marks the beginning of reflections of the hard work we will need to do to redirect our energies and identify important issues to focus on through several chosen programs throughout the year in Turning Targets – 25 years of Cemeti."
(from the Cemeti website)

Cemeti Art House - 25 Jahre

Die Gründer N. Adipurnomo und M. Jaarsma über ihr Konzept und Probleme in der Kunstszene Indonesiens.

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