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Fernando Arias

Fernando Arias: Nada que cesa

Fernando Arias: Nada que cesa

[Nichts hat aufgehört]

16. April - 1. November 2020

Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (MAMBO)
Lage, Kontakt

Kurator: Eugenio Viola

Fotos der Ausstellung  

Das Museum für Moderne Kunst von Bogotá (MAMBO) zeigt Nada que cesa [Nichts hat aufgehört] , die bisher größte und umfassendste Ausstellung von Fernando Arias (* 1963 Armenia, Kolumbien). Der Künstler ist für seine innovative und provokative Kunstauffassung und sein subversives Werk über Körper, Geschlecht und Sexualität international anerkannt.

Radikal, nonkonformistisch, polemisch und transgressiv beschäftigt sich Arias in seinem Schaffen mit der sozio-politischen Geschichte Kolumbiens und solchen Themen wie der Bildung von Nationen, Machtverhältnissen, Politik, Gewalt, bewaffnetem Konflikt sowie der repressiven Dynamik, die den Menschen von religiösen und politischen Institutionen aufgezwungen wird.

Über den Ausstellungstitel

The title of the exhibition comes as a reflection on one of the emblematic phrases of the Colombian National Anthem: “The horrible night ceased!”. This line was paraphrased by the former President Juan Manuel Santos in his address during the signing of the Peace Accords with the FARC, in 2016: "Colombians... The horrible night has ceased, the horrible night of violence that has covered us with its shadow for more than half a century has ceased!" But that night doesn't cease, according to Arias. "The horrible night hasn't ceased because after the Peace Agreements, the murders of social leaders, the violence and the illegal mining have increased; former FARC combatants have taken up arms again due to lack of compliance with the agreements; thousands of people are protesting because of their discontent with the current government," says Arias.

Counter für die Tötung sozialer Aktivisten, 2019
Seit dem Friedensabkommen von 2016 hat die Tötung von sozialen Aktivisten und Führern nicht aufgehört, sondern zugenommen. Die Ziffern auf dem Werk von Arias zeigen die Zahl der Toten zum Zeitpunkt der Realisierung der Arbeit im Jahr 2019.

Involved in the development of social and cultural projects, Arias is one of the founders (along with Jonathan Colin) of Más arte, más acción, a non-profit organization working since 2011 to consolidate a platform of interdisciplinary artistic projects, often including processes and communities of the Pacific Coast of Chocó.

The MAMBO presents a journey into the depths of Arias' research by revisiting works that have been extracted from his memory to tell a story of non-conformity. The exhibition reviews more than 30 years of artistic production, presenting revisited projects and works that have never been exhibited before, as well as works made especially for the show in various media, such as photography, sculpture, video and installation. The constellation on display is directly related to social and environmental issues, themes that reach universal resonance. In a crude and often literal way, the exhibition addresses issues that usually are not talked about, that are not on the political agenda, that are not solved and that society has forgotten, or that are silenced because they disturb certain groups. The artist investigates the Colombian reality to reveal the various layers that make it up and becomes the vehicle for expressing the messages of excluded and marginalized communities.

Fotos und Informationen

In order to open up to new audiences, the Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá offers an innovative educational program that seeks to deepen the works of Arias and the topics at stake. It invites the public to dialogues, panels, meetings and activations so that everyone has the opportunity to raise his/her voice, dialogue about the artist's works, listen, discuss, question, discover what others think and analyze where common points can be found.

Fernando Arias' show is connected to the main theme of this year's exhibition program of the MAMBO, aimed at exploring art as a mechanism - public, social, cultural and political - for transformation and change.

Lage, Kontakt:

Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá

Calle 24 #6 - 00
Bogotá, Kolumbien
Lage auf der Karte

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Aus Presseinformationen. Deutsche Übersetzung: UiU.
© Fotos: Courtesy Künstler & MAMBO.

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